
დათო ტურაშვილი - Flight from the USSR | Georgian Fiction



რბილი გარეკანი

გვერდი: 180

გამოცემის წელი: 2024

The bestselling book of the decade in Georgia, this novel is based on one of the most tragic events of the 1980s when seven young people hijacked an airplane in an attempt of escape from the Soviet Union. They risked everything, including their lives, for the idea of freedom and liberation. The Soviet government of Georgia sentenced most of them to death. The public reaction was split. Some people considered the young rebels as terrorists, while others saw them as heroes. Flight from the USSR follows the leading characters to learn more about their motivations and aspirations. The novel has been adapted for stage and was one of the most successful plays at Georgian Free Theater.

Dato Turashvili is a bestselling Georgian author whose books are translated into 20 languages. Born in 1966, he studied literature, film and art history at Tbilisi, London and Madrid Universities. Most of
Dato Turashvili’s fiction is based on true events. His novel Flight from the USSR is a number-one bestseller in Georgia. Currently, he also works as a TV presenter and reviews new books on-air. He lives and works in Tbilisi.

მთარგმნელი: მაია ქიასაშვილი

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